Advent of Cyber - Day 05 XXE
Advent of Cyber - Day 05 Learning Objectives Understand the basic concepts related to XMLXML handling data like a file drawer. Explore XML External Entity (XXE) and its components Learn ...
Advent of Cyber - Day 05 Learning Objectives Understand the basic concepts related to XMLXML handling data like a file drawer. Explore XML External Entity (XXE) and its components Learn ...
Advent of Cyber - Day 01 Intrduction Tasks Looks like the song.mp3 file is not what we expected! Run “exiftool song.mp3” in your terminal to find out the author of the song. Who is the aut...
TryHackMe- Disgruntled Introduction Hey, kid! Good, you’re here! Not sure if you’ve seen the news, but an employee from the IT department of one of our clients (CyberT) got arrested by ...
TryHackMe- Unattendend Introduction Welcome to the team, kid. I have something for you to get your feet wet. Our client has a newly hired employee who saw a suspicious-looking janitor exiting hi...
TryHackMe- Lazy Admin Tasks What is the user flag? What is the root flag? What is the user flag? We start first with a scan with nmap! We use the flags -sV and -sC for getting informati...
TryHackMe- Lazy Admin Tasks What is the user flag? What is the root flag? Have some fun! There might be multiple ways to get user access. What is the user flag? The g...
TryHackMe- Mr. Robot Tasks What is key 1? What is key 2? What is key 3? What is key 1? We start like all our challenges with nmap. sV for checking the services which are running s...
TryHackMe- Investigating with Splunk Scenario SOC Analyst Johny has observed some anomalous behaviours in the logs of a few windows machines. It looks like the adversary has access to some of th...
TryHackMe- ItsyBitsy Introduction & Scenario In this challenge room, we will take a simple challenge to investigate an alert by IDS regarding a potential C2 communication. During normal SOC...
Level 32 Username: bandit32 Password: 3O9RfhqyAlVBEZpVb6LYStshZoqoSx5K Task: After all this git stuff, it’s time for another escape. Good ...